Monday, September 6, 2010

Blog Entry 8

Passion is different for everyone, for me it is striving to do the best I can and putting all my focus into what I am doing. Any one person can have a passion for anything, for love, for hate, for sports or for music. My passion is for swimming.

I spend hours and hours in the water and at the pool so I can be the best that I can. I live to swim and swim to live. Whether it is spending time at the pool or at a meet from seven in the morning until 9 at night, because I have a passion for the sport.

People think that swimming lap after lap is boring, but the way my team mates push me and challenge me makes it exciting. To be able to see individual results at each meet, isn't like most sports. The feeling of pushing yourself to see what you can do, can not be duplicated. Through my friends, competition and training,  I have developed a passion for swimming that can not be duplicated.

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