Friday, October 8, 2010

Blog Entry 12

Great movies can be considered great according to do various reasons. It can be considered great according to the acting, the theme of the movie, the plot or how good the movie catches and keeps the attention of the viewer. Titanic is a movie that has all of the atributions to create a great movie. Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet star the two leading roles and manage to show emotions in their acting that can fully express their characters. Along with great acting the special effects allow the viewer to feel as if they are in the movie, therefore catching and keeping the movie. Another great movie, The Notebook has all of the above qualities as well. The theme in the movie is one of the best parts, the theme and the way it is portrayed is able to catch the viewers attention. Great movies are able to keep a viewers attention and is able to entertain that viewer.

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